Heart Disease in Women

It doesn’t affect all women alike, and the warning signs for women are not the same as men. A heart attack does not always have obvious symptoms, such as pain in your chest, shortness of breath and cold sweats. In fact, a heart attack can actually happen without a person knowing it.

Fact: Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths each year. That's approximately one woman every minute!

*Information cited from goredforwomen.org campaign by American Heart Association 

Living heart healthy is not just about living longer, but also living better!


Heart-Healthy Culture

Our team is comprised of amazing, talented and passionate people that are driving positive change towards impacting the lives of millions of women and their loved ones.

Our Inspiration


In this technological era, Bloomer Tech is actively working towards progress in the development of fabrics engineering to optimize health.

We are inspired by Amelia Bloomer's legacy. 

She is a women's rights advocate from the 1800's who revolutionized women's health and fashion by replacing damaging corsets with bloomers.

As Amelia Bloomer said  “clothing not only changes lives - it also changes history (herstory!).” 


The healthcare revolution is happening. We are delivering personalized healthcare by gathering real data on gender, race, ethnicity, location and lifestyle around the world. This degree of tailored treatment increases quality of life for all.

Having the right information helps improve people's lifestyle choices and habits, enabling them to modify appropriately and truly understand their hearts. This added knowledge informs the healthcare professionals about their patients in order for them to treat people in an effective and customized manner.

We are transforming how people understand their bodies via sensor technology. This will move treatments, medication, fitness and wellbeing from the current generalist treatment process to one that is user specific and individually focused.